• Let us manage the disc golf at your golf course/ recreational area today.
  • We are  experts in stocking disc golf equipment and work with the   leading disc golf companies.
  • We are able to run events throughout the year and help with marketing  them  too.
  • Tournaments and leagues are insured by the P.D.G.A  for peace of mind

Disc Golf  Management

  • Creative  course design is  important for any disc golf course to be successful.
  • As  professional players ourselves, we create the  disc course  flow and feel to  each hole  carefully.
  • On ball golf/disc course design,  special attention to details are  used to cater to both types of golfers situations.
  • Golf course greens and bunkers play out of bounds to disc golfers.

                          A Disc Golf


                           the "hole"

               Lessons Avaible

Disc golf is a great way to improve the land and community. It can help generate extra  revenue on many types of  properties, including  operating ball golf  courses.   Let us build  a course /  run  tournaments  in your community  and  see why this  sport is rapidly  growing everywhere, everyday.


  • Looking to try a new sport or just improve your game .    Let us help you or your group get the right instruction to throw(drivers), approach(midrange)  and putting  golf discs.
  • We will teach you to understand that proper technique, disc  selection, and environmental awareness   are the  answers for distance and control.

  • Just like a snowboarder needed a ski slope to ride on ,  disc golfers can use a ball golf  course to host their sport too.
  • Like snowboarding to the ski slopes , disc golf generates  extra revenue by adding more recreational activity to your golf course property.
  • There are many similarities to both games in physical and mental nature.
  • With disc golf shared on a ball golf course,  father and son / etc.  can finally  enjoy a  round together .
  • Disc golf plays  faster than  traditional golf , adding players to your course ,  but not causing back up problems. Lots more food and drinks sold too.

It's​ a different      Spin on Golf

Disc Golf Solutions.net

Disc Golf Course Design

Ball  and Chains